Black /vendors/vendorImages black.jpg
ADA Compliant
Energy Star /vendors/vendorImages energy star.jpg
Title 24 /vendors/vendorImages ca title 24 compliant.jpg
Wet Rated
Prop 65 /vendors/vendorImages prop65.png
5 Years Manufacturer Warranty
Backplate to Fixture Bottom:
Height from Center of Wall Opening:
Safety Rating:
UL Approved, ETL Approved
Other Details
BULBS: There are no bulbs, only an integrated (but replacable if needed) LED Panel that features warm 3000 Kelvin light that is both Title 24 and Energy Star certified.
Designed in Atlanta. Manufactured in Vietnam.
DETAILS: The Black finish complements the modern rectangular form, while the hidden, dimmable LED creates an ambient glow. Designed for night-sky-friendly, minimal light emission.
FEATURES: Rated for Wet Locations; Includes a 5-Year Manufacturer Warranty Against Rust and Fading.
FINISH: Part of the Rain or Shine series, the Black finish is a neutral, dark tone with a slightly coarse texture.