Flag-Hoisting Principle:The Chance Power-Fuse Lift Stick tool removesand installs power fuse holders weighing up to 50 pounds. It is equippedwith an arrangement of ropes and pulleys that permit the operator tolower and raise a power fuse holder in much the way a flag is handled ona flagpole. The operator has complete control of the fuse holder at alltimes, and doesn?t have to balance and lift dead weight as must be donewith the fuse on the end of the hookstick. Fuse Mount Supports ToolDuring the removal and replacement of fuse holders, the fuse mountsupports both the weight of the fuse holder and the tool. The pole hangsfree while the operator automatically steadies it during the raising orlowering operation. Only during the actual opening and closing of thepower fuse does the operator support the weight of the tool. Adisconnect prong is located on the bottom ferrule of the tool. SoundlyConstructed While this tool is soundly constructed to support heavy fuseholders (up to 50 pounds); it is relatively light in