A sensitive voltmeter, the tester measures the difference in potentialacross each insulator in a suspect string. Comparative readings fromsatisfactory strings in the same operating situation quickly indicatethe state of every insulator in the string being tested. The meterplaces only a minimal load on the phase as it requires only a smallleakage current to make a reading. Two straight steel probes threadedinto the tester forks simply contact the metal fittings on both ends ofeach insulator at the same time. Mounted on a 1.25"-diameter Epoxiglaspole with a universal fitting, before each use the tester should beattached to the proper length hot stick for the system voltage involved.The scale reads up to 16 kV. Applications Without interrupting service,one of these testers quickly can check the condition of each insulatorin a string. This greatly reduces maintenance costs. Rather thanchanging out entire strings, only the insulators identified as damagedrequire replacements. The testers serve specific application