Chance Phasing Testers easily determine phase relationships andapproximate voltage, line-to-line or line-to-ground. Each testerconsists of two fiberglass poles with end fittings threaded forinterchangeable probes. The probe fittings couple with a high-impedancecomponent encased in each pole. To complete the test circuit, a 22-footlength of insulated flexible cable stores on the reel affixed to onepole and connects to the voltmeter on the other pole. Simple to operate,the probes can be brought into contact with the conductors appropriatefor the meter to read phase-to-phase or phase-to-ground voltage. Forconvenience on different systems, toggle on dual-range units can switchcalibration between the two scales on the meter face. Plus, it canimprove readability for low-end values on the Hi scale. Switched to theLo range, those values deflect the needle more to give more finitereadings.Includes: two universal handles, storge bag, tester, hook probes, caseand instruction manual.