Key to many transmission and EHV maintenance jobs, these hot-line toolshelp support conductors while insulators are removed and replaced.Adjustable strain poles can be used with yoke plates and hook assembliesat the conductor and structure ends of suspension, V-string or deadendinsulator strings. To support the hot-end trunnions or hooks, fivestainless steel crosspins are located at 6" intervals on the 2"-diameterEpoxiglaspoles. To engage deadend and suspension yokes at the hot endalso requires the adjustable pole clamp of heat-treated aluminum. Thispole clamp can be unlocked and positioned by hotsticks. On the cold end,a high-strength steel strain-jack with bronze tongue provides take-upwith aratchet wrench and trunnions. Wrench and trunnions must be orderedas s eparate items. Standard strain jack furnished with each strain poleprovides 12" of adjustment. Longer strain jacks (for 24" or 36" oftake-up) and extra pole clamps also may be ordered.