For those who love traditional design but desire modern convenience, the New Tempesta Rustic 100 hand shower may be the ideal shower solution. A compact 4-in.-diameter spray face ensures easy handling, while four spray functions and a variety of GROHE technologies provide a luxurious shower every time. The four spray modes include: Rain, a wide, soothing pattern of delicate droplets; water-efficient GROHE Rain O2, which features large, air-infused droplets; Massage, a stimulating, pulsating spray; and Jet, which revitalizes with a focused, circular burst of water.GROHE DreamSpray features advanced shower engines to deliver precise and consistent water distribution throughout any spray pattern for an unparalleled and custom showering experience technology ensures uniform water distribution to each spray nozzle, and GROHE SpeedClean protects the spray face against limescale buildup. The New Tempesta Rustic 100 hand shower flows water at 2.5 gpm and comes in lustrous GROHE StarLight finish for scratch and tarnish-resistant surfaces for a lifetime of beauty chrome and warm Brushed Nickel InfinityFinish.